I've been in-patient since Sunday night/Monday morning. The admit papers say Monday at like 12:15 am. I spent most of Sunday in the emergency room. I'm on a day pass so I have to go back tonight and as long as I don't go back completely unstable I can be released tomorrow. Not sure what time though. Although I had a thyroid test come back so high the psychiatrist said it was off the chart so I had it redone today. If it comes back high again I don't know if the psychiatrist will make me stay longer to find out why or just send me out and tell me to go have a normal doctor look at it and figure out what's wrong. And I kind of have a mess with counselling/psychiatry when I leave the psych ward but I'll just figure it out when I'm out because otherwise I'll just be stuck there longer. So yeah.... That's what's going on.
sorry you're having a rough time darling. I hope things get better for you. xx SN